Arnica monitors for developer anomalies in real time, requesting authentication to stop account takeovers, or prompting pull request reviews to block code risks before they ever reach production.
Increased code complexity and growing deployment speed mean more frequent and more complicated code reviews.
Anomalies are easy to miss
Anomalies are hard to recognize and are frequently missed by manual pull request reviews where context is missing or minimal.
Certain code gets less attention
Very little emphasis is placed on monitoring non-prod branches, where anomalies often first appear.
Each developer is unique
Behavior is developer specific, making one-size fits all policies and monitoring ineffective.
Signing often lacks 100% coverage
Signing code reviews, as a policy, takes time and is hard to deploy org-wide.
Anomalous Developer Behavior
Protect developers from account takeover. Protect code from insider threats
Early & effective developer anomaly detection
Identifying developer anomalies ensures that malicious activity can be blocked before reaching production where it can cause damage to your organization’s product and reputation.
Actively monitor your organization’s branch level commits to identify malicious code or anomalous developer behavior early.
Prompt secondary reviews if a commit includes risky code changes or potentially malicious code.
Threat alerts & publisher verification
Protecting your development ecosystem means protecting both your code and your developers. Anomaly detection defends both from malicious activity.
Policy driven actions can automatically require the pushing dev to submit secondary authentication through an integrated collaboration tool such as Teams or Slack.
Rather than requiring developers to sign commits – often resulting in partial deployment – get 100% coverage across developers from day-1.
Risk tolerance settings allow you to tailor results to match your risk appetite, tightening results to ensure precision or expanding the scope of results to catch more anomalies.